Video Games & Gear

Video games have come of age as an entertainment medium and the technology continues to mature. Learn about how your favorite video game consoles work, and see what's on the gaming horizon.

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Many people think that being a video game tester is a dream job, but it isn't as easy as you think. Learn more about the responsibilities of a video game tester in this article.

By Tim Crosby

Piano Wizard is a computer program that lets you have fun while you learn how to play the piano. Are you the next Ben Folds? Or Liberace?

By Dave Roos

All across the world, average couch potatoes are standing up, taking a plastic guitar and rockin' their hearts out. Find out how the video game Guitar Hero has gripped its maniacal following.

By Cristen Conger


Video gamers looking to work up a sweat swear Wii Sports games get their heart rate going. Find out how one Wii geek lost 9 pounds (4 kilograms) playing video tennis.

By Cristen Conger

A study suggests surgeons who play video games might have finer surgical skills than those who never play. So should med school students throw down the anatomy book and grab a joystick?

By Julia Layton

Entertainment media has always made a great scapegoat for bad behavior and violence. But is it legitimate? Do violent video games really lead to real-life violence?

By Julia Layton

For serious gamers, there's nothing worse than finding out an eagerly anticipated video game has been scrapped. Is your favorite game that never was on our list?

By Jonathan Strickland


World of Warcraft uses simple concepts to build a complex game system. The game itself teaches people how to play, and there are lots of resources, both inside the game and out, for finding answers to questions.

By Tracy V. Wilson

World of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC video games on the market. Find out why World of Warcraft is so popular and learn how World of Warcraft works.

By Tracy V. Wilson

MMORPGs, or massively multiplayer online games, allow many people to compete in an online environment. In this article, we'll look at what it takes to create an immersive virtual world that allows people to move around and play within it.

By Tracy V. Wilson

The U.S. military has spent millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours on ... a video game. "America's Army" has people hooked. It's free and it has amazing features. So why are people getting so worked up about it?

By Josh Clark


The next chapter in the Halo saga greeted millions of eager gamers around the world with promises of new features and a much-anticipated close to the storyline, the heart of the Halo series. Does it live up to the hype?

By Rick Mayda

Nintendo dramatically changed the interface for video games with the Nintendo Wii. Learn what sets the Wii apart from other next-generation consoles.

By Marshall Brain

For the Xbox 360, Microsoft rebuilt the system and console from the ground up. From the name to the look to hardware and features, the Xbox 360 is a radically different and more powerful machine than its predecessor.

By Robert Valdes

Playstation 3 owners can donate their consoles' processing power to scientific research. What is this research focused on achieving? Find out the answer to that question in this article.

By Tracy V. Wilson


Combining people's love for taking care of fictional critters with the enjoyment of puzzle games, Neopets is a hit. Peek behind the scenes at the creators and owners of Neopets and explore the controversies that surround the site.

By Ed Grabianowski

The Xbox Live network gives players the opportunity to connect with thousands of other gaming enthusiasts online. What do users get out of the experience?

By Ed Grabianowski & Chris Pollette

The Gizmondo is a handheld gaming console -- but it's also an MP3 player, a camera, a movie player, and a GPS reciever. Learn what else the Gizmondo can do and what sets it apart from other portable gaming units.

By Ed Grabianowski

With sales topping $7 billion last year the focus on game ratings will only intensify. Find out how the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) rates games how the ratings are enforced and how ratings affect game sales.

By Ed Grabianowski


The PS3 boasts an incredible microprocessor, a brand-new graphics processor and what may be some of the most phenomenal on-screen images ever. Learn all about PlayStation 3 and check out the new controller.

By Robert Valdes

Getting Halo 2 ready for play on X-Box Live was no easy task. Read what it akes to get all of these X-boxes to play together nicely in an interview with Bungie's Chris Butcher.

By Robert Valdes

Are you tired of getting whipped by the Covenant? Learn how they think from the man who created the artificial intelligence for "Halo 2." In this exclusive HowStuffWorks interview, Chris Butcher of Bungie Studios enlightens us.

By Robert Valdes

With its widescreen display, powerful graphics and ability to do more than play games, the PlayStation Portable (PSP) stands out in the crowd. Find out what else Sony has packed into the PSP and see how it measures up.

By Ed Grabianowski


With Sony's new portable on its tail, Nintendo's chose not to create a bigger, faster processor, but the Nintendo DS, which stands for either "dual screen" or "developer's system," depending on who you ask.

By Jason Wright

The Phantom was supposed to be launched in 2005, but it never made it to production. Learn about the specs and features of the Phantom game system.

By Tom Harris