Video Games Peripherals

Before you can play the game, you’ve got to know your peripherals. Learn how joysticks, light guns and other devices work.

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Handheld controllers for gaming systems may soon be passe. We're now living at a time when we can shout commands or flail our limbs about to control our entertainment systems.

By Bernadette Johnson

You enjoyed playing video games with your NES controller back in the day. Then you put it into a drawer as technology evolved. Now you're ready to toss it. But wait! That gadget may have a new life as a remote control or even a fashion accessory.

By Laurie L. Dove & Josh Peterson, Planet Green

The Wii Balance Board for Nintendo's innovative game console tracks a user's weight and movements, letting the board act as a game controller. What's behind the board's technology, and how did sumo wrestlers serve as its inspiration?

By Jeremy Jacquot


Video games are amazing creations, but the fact remains that if you input you can't play. Take a look inside the quintessential game controller and see how it has evolved over the years.

By Tom Harris

How does a video-game light gun work? How does the game know where the gun is aiming? See the technology behind this popular video game accessory.