Cameras & Photography

A good photo is part art, part science. Whether you like to manually focus and carry a slew of lenses in a Tamarac bag or go digital and let a high-tech camera do the work for you.

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Ring lights are not just for social media influencers. They're a quick and easy way to brighten up video conferences for improved image quality. Find out how to set up a ring light.

By Talon Homer

You've probably seen a raw file option on your digital camera or smartphone. How is it different from the typical JPEG file and when should you use it?

By Talon Homer

A digital photo has a wealth of info embedded in it — including date and time it was taken, location and camera used. But what if you don't want all that data falling into the wrong hands?

By Chris Pollette


Have a ton of precious old movies, photos and VHS tapes sitting in boxes gathering dust? It's time to go digital and preserve those memories for future generations.

By Wendy Bowman

The images of our ancestors are locked away and disappearing on tarnished silver plates. Scientists have found a way to bring them back to life.

By Carrie Tatro

Among the millions of pictures taken every year, some capture our hearts and stand the test of time. Here are the stories behind 13 of the most iconic.

By Nathan Chandler & Yves Jeffcoat

Remember the promise of digital images that you’d be able to manipulate by shifting the focus after snapping the photo? What happened to those?

By Nathan Chandler


Televised sports coverage offers amazing aerial views of all the action. How are those dazzling angles captured? It's a bird ... it's a plane ... it's Skycam.

By Nathan Chandler

Thermographic cameras detect infrared light (or heat) invisible to the human eye. How can the camera's sensors register temperature at a distance, and how can the tech be used?

By Nathan Chandler

The Lytro camera has attracted attention for its ability to let viewers focus on different aspects of a photo after it has been taken. How is the device different from traditional cameras, and how does it operate?

By Jonathan Strickland

That shot of your kid would be so cute if only he didn't look like Rosemary's toddler. How can you ditch the demonic in your photos once and for all?

By William Harris


Dust has this amazing superpower to wiggle its way into everything – including your digital camera and the memories you attempt to capture with it. Isn't it time you sent that dust packing?

By Nicholas Gerbis

Tilt-shift photography takes the power of the angle to an extreme. By altering the plane of focus of a photograph and distorting the perspective, tilt-shift photography can make a normal scene look like a miniature model set.

By Wesley Fenlon

It's tempting to use the snap-and-go method of photography when you're traveling, but really great, memorable shots require more careful composition and planning.

By Nathan Chandler

Cloud photo storage allows you to share photos readily and safeguard them from digital disaster. In this article, we'll share tips for navigating cloud-based photo services.

By Nathan Chandler


Nature is filled with flora that's a delight to behold, but capturing that magic in a photograph is a challenge. Get the tips you need to get the perfect shot of Mother Nature's bounty.

By Wesley Fenlon

Look through a door's peephole and you'll see how a fisheye lens can distort a scene while providing a 180-degree view. So how are these lenses used?

By Matt Cunningham

High drama and dim light are the hallmarks of film noir, and those elements are also vital to film noir photography.

By Stephanie Crawford

If photography is all about capturing light to record an image onto a medium, how can you take pictures when there's very little light present?

By Stephanie Crawford


A red rose, a green eye, a gold ring: Against a black-and-white background, colored objects command attention. How can you create this effect at home?

By Matt Cunningham

The longer a camera's shutter stays open, the more light it takes in, and photographers use that fact to create breathtaking images, capturing the beauty of motion. What are the best pro tips for creating eye-popping photos using slow shutter speed?

By Wesley Fenlon

You can scan films on your computer, but you'd like to learn how to understand what film scan resolution means. This article will help you learn how to understand film scan resolution.

By Contributors

You've made a picture on your computer, pasted it into a Word document and would like to know how to place a watermark on the picture. Here's how to place a watermark on pictures.

By Marie Look


It's not hard to learn how to resize your digital photos. Learn about how to resize a photo in this article.

By Contributors

If you know how to upload videos from your camcorder, you'll be able to send videos of your favorite events and special moments to the people who matter. Learn about how to upload videos from a camcorder in this article.

By Contributors