Are online photography courses worth it?

Should you sign up for an online photography course? See more cool camera stuff pictures.

Information has never been as accessible as it is today with the Internet. Experts in every field can disseminate their knowledge to people in every region of the globe. Meanwhile, institutions and universities are taking advantage of the new shift in learning, investing more and more funds into online educational programs. And because photography is one of the most accessible and attractive skills, many believe it lends itself well to online instruction.

Is learning a useful, artistic and profitable talent such as photography from the comfort of your couch too good to be true? Yes and no. Proponents of online courses argue that it's ideal for people without the time or schedule to take traditional programs in a classroom setting. Those with full-time jobs and a family to take care of can work whenever they're able to carve out an hour for study. Also, online education allows those in rural or remote locations to learn the desired skills from far-away institutions.


But critics question whether online courses are able to adequately instruct students as well as a teacher in a physical classroom. No one can deny that face-to-face interaction can be important to the learning experience. And one of the comforts of home is that you don't have an instructor breathing down your neck, challenging you to try harder and making you feel guilty when you haven't completed an assignment. Online education therefore takes a good deal of self-discipline and motivation.

We spoke with photographer and author, Mark Jenkinson, who remains skeptical about online education, saying there's no substitute for group critique. He says peers can offer valuable opinions and suggestions to a student.

However, many institutions that offer online photography programs believe they provide adequate opportunities for such group discussion, albeit virtually. We'll delve into some of the details of how such programs work on the next page to help you decide whether taking an online photography class is worth the time and money.


How Online Photography Courses Work

Of course, every institution has it's own process. In its simplest form, online photography courses can consist of a lesson that, instead of being lectured, is written out and accompanied by explanatory photos. Assignments can be completed and turned in electronically so the instructor can return feedback. Many programs provide an opportunity for group critique in forums for students to comment and ask questions.

We spoke with Chuck DeLaney, Director of the New York Institute of Photography (NYIP). He explains that some online courses are synchronous, in which classes take place on a certain date at a certain time for live online discussion. But many are asynchronous, which means students can study lectures or complete assignments when they have the time. Kerry Drager at tells us that classes can be for any skill level, from beginners who want the basics to advanced photographers who want to learn the latest techniques.


In addition to online resources, however, DeLaney says NYIP sends students printed materials, full-color lessons, and audio and video instructional materials. When you submit your work, an instructor records his commentary about your piece and provides a link where you can download and listen to his feedback. Faculty also regularly gather to record podcasts to discuss the best student submissions to "photo challenges."

DeLaney argues that photography is more suited to online instruction than other disciplines because it's so accessible. He has even heard several respected, professional photographers admit that they were self-taught. Though you can't learn how to fly a plane or perform heart surgery online, he says, you can learn photography.

DeLaney also believes that online photography education is superior to the traditional, cathedral method of education in at least one aspect. Namely, when one lecturer teaches a classroom, the students are heavily influenced by the lecturer's own style or artistic preferences. This is less of a concern for online instruction, where instructors don't have such close interaction with students, allowing them to freely form their own styles.

But many worry that the professional world doesn't respect those who use online courses. Although online programs struggle to gain respectability in different academic fields, Drager says that photographers are judged more on the quality of their portfolios than any certificate or degrees they've received.

Ultimately, the decision may depend on what type of learner you are. You may decide you have the drive and creativity to teach yourself photography through books or free online tutorials. Or you may know you need personal interaction of the physical classroom setting. For those in between, online courses seem to be a viable option.


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