Video Game Titles
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15 Video Games That Took Way Too Long To Make
14 Hidden Video Game Design Tricks That Will Blow Your Mind
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Learn the ropes of League of Legends with these 15 essential tips for beginners. Gain the confidence to navigate the popular MOBA game and impress your teammates as you level up your skills. Leave behind the title of "uber-noob" and become a formidable player in no time.
By Wes Walcott
Back in the early days of gaming, developers had to make sure they got everything right before a game was released to the public. Online patches didn't exist yet, so there was no safety net for a game to be fixed after release. Once gaming machines started to go online, firmware updates became a reality, which [...] The post 10 Games That Were Broken At Launch appeared first on Goliath.
It's one thing to see something scary in a movie; it's another to feel like you've experienced it firsthand in one of the scariest video games of all time.
Nostalgia is a powerful force in gaming, especially since the technology moves so rapidly. Game genres and design techniques can quickly be rendered obsolete in such a fast-moving industry, making it no surprise that the vast majority of games from 20+ years ago look positively archaic by today's standards. It takes a lot of skill [...] The post 10 Retro Games That Still Hold Up appeared first on Goliath.
Musicians may thumb their noses at the skill it takes to strum buttons on a plastic guitar. But some of that Guitar Hero dexterity could benefit a novice learning to play the real instrument.
What part do you play in your rock star fantasy? Lead singer, bass guitar player, drummer? Pick an instrument, a hair style, your next big gig. This is more than a video game.
All across the world, average couch potatoes are standing up, taking a plastic guitar and rockin' their hearts out. Find out how the video game Guitar Hero has gripped its maniacal following.
World of Warcraft uses simple concepts to build a complex game system. The game itself teaches people how to play, and there are lots of resources, both inside the game and out, for finding answers to questions.
World of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC video games on the market. Find out why World of Warcraft is so popular and learn how World of Warcraft works.
MMORPGs, or massively multiplayer online games, allow many people to compete in an online environment. In this article, we'll look at what it takes to create an immersive virtual world that allows people to move around and play within it.
The U.S. military has spent millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours on ... a video game. "America's Army" has people hooked. It's free and it has amazing features. So why are people getting so worked up about it?
By Josh Clark
The next chapter in the Halo saga greeted millions of eager gamers around the world with promises of new features and a much-anticipated close to the storyline, the heart of the Halo series. Does it live up to the hype?
By Rick Mayda
Getting Halo 2 ready for play on X-Box Live was no easy task. Read what it akes to get all of these X-boxes to play together nicely in an interview with Bungie's Chris Butcher.
Are you tired of getting whipped by the Covenant? Learn how they think from the man who created the artificial intelligence for "Halo 2." In this exclusive HowStuffWorks interview, Chris Butcher of Bungie Studios enlightens us.