Search Results | TV Technology -phone -parking -airwaves -jumbo -internet

Your search for "TV Technology -phone -parking -airwaves -jumbo -internet" returned 51 results

How DVD Players Work

DVD players are exceptionally precise pieces of equipment. See how DVD players work, including information on DVD drives, outputs and more.

How the Nintendo Power Glove Worked

The Nintendo Power Glove seemed like the gaming accessory of the future. Find out how the Power Glove worked and why it didn't deliver.

How does copy protection on a video tape work?

How do VHS tapes prevent you from bootlegging a copy of a movie? Find out how Macrovision works.

Video Projector Buying Guide

Our video projector buying guide helps covers what you should look for when shopping. Get tips with our video projector buying guide.

What is all the flickering when I try to record a television set picture with a video camera?

What is all the flickering when I try to record a television set picture with a video camera?

How Media Chairs Work

Find out what makes a chair a "media chair" and compare several models currently on the market.

Do Video Games Cause Violence in Real Life?

Entertainment media has always made a great scapegoat for bad behavior and violence. But is it legitimate? Do violent video games really lead to real-life violence?

How Facial Recognition Technology Works

Humans have always had the innate ability to recognize and distinguish faces, but computers only recently have shown the same ability. Learn how facial recognition systems work.

How the Dallas Cowboys Scoreboard Works

The Dallas Cowboy's scoreboard is the biggest HDTV around. Learn about this huge screen and why the Dallas Cowboy's scoreboard makes opposing teams angry.

How to Get the Most From Your HDTV

After all that hype, the experience of watching a brand new HDTV can be a little anticlimactic. Find out why it can happen.

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