With a total of 21 unique characters playable at launch, Overwatch can be pretty daunting for new players, especially those who haven’t played team oriented games where not every character is suitable for every situation. But overcoming that initial hurdle is imperative if you want to get into the game and start honing your skills as a player. And one of the best ways to flatten out the learning curve is by playing characters that are a little more familiar or easy to learn. That way you won’t have to worry so much about nailing down special mechanics or figuring out how to use complicated abilities, and can instead concentrate on perfecting the basics.
In this list we’ve selected eight characters that we feel are the best choices to help new players get acclimated to the game. These characters feature play-styles and mechanics that will likely feel more familiar and afford you a larger margin for error. However, one you get to know them, you’ll find that they still have a few surprises and can pack as much punch as some of the roster’s heaviest hitters.